Friday, March 28, 2025

Things To See

Visitors’ Center

The Cornell Visitors’ Center construction began in the late spring of 1996. It is located just south and west of the structural steel landmark which is listed in the National Directory of Historical Places and is also recognized by the State of Wisconsin Historical Society as the only stationary pulpwood stacker left standing anywhere in the world.

It is a very interesting addition to the Mill Yard Park. Many people have passed through the doors of the center since it was opened. People from many states and even from overseas.

We welcome things from the past logging era and things of interest that people have donated to us. Many pictures and pieces of interest are on display for tourists and locals that are interested in the history of Cornell. The Stacker is a great drawing card for the Mill Yard Park, as many people have never seen one and they like to hear how it operated.

We have brochures, maps, and shirts of the Old Abe Trail. We also have lots of other interesting articles of the past and some of the present. Come visit us sometime, we love to have you. Hours will be Wednesday-Monday 11AM-3PM. Closed Tuesdays. Due to staffing issues the Visitors Center hours may vary week to week. Please call the City Office at 715/239-3710, if you would like to check if the Center is open.  Visitors Center Closed for the season. 

The Mill Yard Park

The Mill Yard Park is equipped with playground equipment, a skate park, restrooms, running water, a pavilion and picnic tables. This ten acre site was donated to the city in 1983 by Globe Industry.

The area had been used since 1913 as a wood yard to unload and storeiles of pulp wood. Still on the site is one of the only known pulp wood stackers in the world.

The 175-foot stacker was used to stack the logs after they were run through the attached saw mill and then floated into the paper mill across the road.

The stacker was placed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1993. In 1998 a new visitors’ center was built near the base of the stacker.

The pavilion may be rented for large group gatherings; for more information on renting this facility call the city office at 239-3710. The Old Abe State Trail is also located nearby for your hiking, biking, and snowmobiling pleasure.

The Brunet Island State Park

The Brunet Island State Park is a small, city owned and maintained park located at the eastern end of the Cornell business district. The park serves as a passive area with adequate picnic facilities. The area is well landscaped with a mix of deciduous and coniferous trees. A memorial to Jean Brunet also is located in the park. Brunet, a native of France, came to Cornell in the early 1800’s. Facilities in the park include a pavilion with picnic tables, swings, and many things for kids enjoyment.