Friday, March 28, 2025


Next Election: April 1st, 2025

For residents of Cornell, your polling place is the Council Chambers, located at 102 N 3rd St. Polls open at 7am & close at 8pm.

If you are unable to vote on Election Day, you can request to vote absentee by mail up until 5pm the Thursday before an election or absentee vote in person at the City Office (222 Main Street) beginning on the Tuesday two weeks before, up until the Friday before an election. Proof of identification is required.

For those not yet registered to vote, you can register on Election Day. Proof of residency is required. Filling out the application ahead of going to the polls will definitely expedite the process.  

Are you registered? Do you want to request an absentee ballot? Would you like to see what you’re voting for?

All of these questions can be answered by visiting

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the requirements to register to vote?

In order to register, you must be 18 years old, an American citizen, not currently be serving a sentence for a felony, & have resided at your address for at least the last 28 days. Proof of residence is required to register.

What can I use for my proof of residence? Does it have to have my photo on it? Does it have to be on paper?

Your proof of residence does not need to have a photo, nor does it need to be on paper. It is perfectly acceptable to pull up your proof on your phone.

State or university issued cards, bank or credit card statements, utility bills, real estate tax bills or receipts, residential leases, & pay stubs can be used. See below for complete listing.

Do I need to show an ID to vote? What if my ID is expired? What if I can’t afford an ID?

Yes, Voter ID is the law in Wisconsin. You must provide proof of identification to vote.

An expired ID is acceptable, as long as it expired AFTER 11/3/2020.

If you cannot afford an ID, you can obtain a free ID through the Identification Card Petition Process (IDPP) at your local DMV. Visit for more information on this program.

See below for more types of identification you can show in order to vote.