Friday, March 28, 2025

City Information


• We have three parks for your enjoyment. The Brunet Falls Park is located on Main Street adjacent from the Grade School. The Mill Yard Park is located on the corner of Bridge Street and Park Road . Both are equipped with playground equipment and picnic tables. The Mill Yard Pavilion may be rented for large group gatherings; you may get rental fees and more information from the Cornell City Office 715/239-3710 (Application & information also available by clicking here.) Our beautiful Brunet Island State Park , located at the north end of Park Road , requires an annual or daily sticker for admission from April 1st through October 31st . They offer camping, boat landing facilities, fishing, swimming, hiking, cross country skiing and snowshoeing.

• The Cornell Public Library is located at 117 N. 3rd Street. The phone number for the library is 715/239-3709. The library offers numerous services for area residents and visitors including:

*Four computers with Internet access, and an additional computer for word processing use.
*Inter-Library Loan is available for library patrons requesting items not owned by our library.
*Library staff will proctor tests for students being home schooled, and adults furthering their education.
*Historical items are available for the public to browse through including the actual items, as well as historical photos (available for viewing on the computer.)

• All residents of the City of Cornell vote in the Council Chambers, just north of the City Office. Polls are open 7:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. Election dates are published in the Cornell Courier. Information about voting can be found by clicking here or visiting the MyVote website.

• The Cornell Police Department is located at 221 Main Street . Phone numbers are as follows:

Emergency Numbers:
Police Department 911
Fire Department 911
Ambulance Service 911

Non-emergency Numbers:
Police Department 715/239-3707

• The City offers a public boat landing on Park Road , just north of the City Shop. 

• Our weekly newspaper, the Cornell Courier, is published and distributed on Wednesday of each week. The Courier office is located at 121 Main Street . Their phone number is 715/861-4414.

• During the winter months, November 1st through April 1st , the Cornell Ordinance regarding off street parking goes into force: no cars may be parked on any city streets from 2:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m. If you have a visitor who is unable to park off the street, call the police station at 715/239-3707 and leave the vehicle license number, year, make and model, and the address where the vehicle is parked before 2:00 a.m.

• Building permits are required in some cases; inquire at the City Office for requirements and fees. Permit Applications can be downloaded here.

• We also have a City Ordinance prohibiting burning in a barrel or incinerator in the city limits. You may obtain burning permits for burning brush at the City Office or Police Department. View all of our Ordinances by clicking here.

• Dog licenses are required by State Law. The fee is $15.00 for animals not neutered/spayed and $10.00 for neutered/spayed animals.  There is a $5.00 late fee if the dog is licensed after March 31st. The dog must be six (6) months old to license and you must show proof of rabies vaccine, including the vaccine manufactures name and serial number. If your animal is lost call the Cornell Police Department at 715/239-3707 or the Chippewa County Humane Association at 715/382-4832.

• The City owns the electric, water and sewer utilities. Once a month the meter reader will be around reading the electric and water meters. Please have your meter accessible for them, as required by the Public Service Commission. Please keep brush trimmed away from the meter and a path shoveled to the meter in the winter. Most of our meters are remote and these meters require the meter reader to synchronize the inside and outside readings once a year.

• Regular meetings of the City Council take place on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. Click here for more information. Previous meeting minutes are published after each meeting in the newspaper & here.

• Real estate property taxes are billed mid-December each year. Payments are due either in full on January 31st or in 2 installments, which are due January 31st and July 31st . January payments are made to the City and July payments are made to the County. You can view your property information by visiting the Chippewa County Treasurer page & selecting “Property Tax Information.”

• If you should have interruption of water or electric service call the Cornell Municipal Shop, 300 Park Road , at 715/239-3717. Shop hours are 7:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.  If you have a problem after hours or on the weekend call the after hours number at 715/239-5249.

• On the first Monday of every month at 11:00 a.m. there is a testing of the siren. There will be a 3-minute steady blow. If there is a tornado alert/severe storm, the siren will blow steadily. If you have no where to go during a storm, the Cornell Grade School will be open to the public at the 5th Street entrance.

• Cornell has an ordinance requiring property to be kept neat, clean, grass mowed, and sidewalks cleared of snow. View all of our Ordinances by clicking here.